When Kory's not hanging around with superheroes (Caleb and Ryker), he is going on hikes at Girl's Camp with Chloe. Here's some pics of the hike up Darby Canyon to the Wind Caves.
The night Chloe got home from camp, Kory and I were headed up to Palisades to do a fireside, so Chloe opted to go boating with her friend Mia.
Lakyn got her wisdom teeth out, so she hung out at our house for a few days. On Saturday she was feeling well enough to come with us to bowl and play mini-golf at Fat Cats in Rexburg.
We also made a stop at the Sugar City park and my mom and dad came to hang out with us for awhile.
On July 24, Kory and I headed down to Cedar City, UT. We got there in time to check in to our hotel and then we walked around the Shakespeare Festival grounds, tried to watch the green show (thought it was raining), then Kory headed back to the hotel while I took in Henry the VI Part 1. It was raining throughout the play, but I was lucky to be under a covered area in the theatre.
The next morning, Kory and I headed to Veyo, UT to the Mountain Meadows Massacre site. Kory is teaching Church History this year and they have made this part of the curriculum so he wanted to find out more about it. I read info about it as we drove about an hour out of Cedar City. There are three different sites as part of the memorial. It's sobering and awful what happened. I'm really glad that the church has acknowledged what happened.
Since we were close, we decided to head into Veyo, UT and stumbled on this little bakery. We each bought a slice of pie and they are truly amazing. Definitely worth a trip to Veyo!
We headed back to Cedar City and hit the matinee of Big River. We both loved it. I had Kory listen to the soundtrack on the way down so that he'd be kind of familiar with it. All the people I've talked to have said that this was their favorite play of the season. After the play we went to dinner with my Aunt Linda and her friend Janice. Then we headed back to watch the Green Show which was much more enjoyable without rain. We talked Kory into coming to the show that night, An Iliad. I wasn't sure what to expect, but it was incredible. A one man show retelling the Iliad in modern language. Wow!
Thursday morning we went to a session at the Cedar City temple. Beautiful temple and a great session. Then we went back and checked out of our hotel and headed back to Idaho. It was a quick trip, but we loved it! It was also Kory's 55th birthday that day.
On Saturday, Kory and I went golfing at the course in Rigby. It was a nice, cool morning and we had a good time.
That night we went to a birthday dinner at Red Robin with Madi, Quinton, and Phoebe.
Happy birthday to Kory! Also - I can hardly recognize Chloe and Phoebe anymore! We need to get together soon.